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Matt Scogin | How Can We Disrupt College?

Matt Sco­gin, Pres­i­dent of Hope Col­lege, is one of the most inno­v­a­tive lead­ers in high­er edu­ca­tion. Com­ing from a busi­ness back­ground, he’s announced tuition-free col­lege and oth­er ground­break­ing changes. Matt has time and time again exclaimed that col­lege changed his life, so let’s see what he believes about how to trans­form the col­lege expe­ri­ence for oth­ers and even elim­i­nate its cost.

Key Moments

  • 02:05 What was your non-traditional path to becoming a college president?
  • 03:25 How did college change your life?
  • 14:42 How can Hope College innovate and truly change the game?
  • 18:00 How do you solve for the cost of higher education growing 4x greater than what Americans are being paid?
  • 26:30 What is the Hope Forward program and how does that entirely upend higher education?
  • 32:02 What are the downstream impacts or limitations of the Hope Forward model?
  • 38:30 How do you maintain an environment of free inquiry?
  • 47:00 Will students take their education more seriously with a pay-it-forward model?